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Oct 23 - Mar 24 | Issue 72-73

THE coalescence of cultural practices and traditions in South Asia is a result of extensive and complex interactions between communities for a prolonged duration in the past. While, many communities spontaneously become a part of enabling syncretic values, on the other hand innumerable groups struggle with experiences of aversion, acculturation and exclusion in the process of migration. Hence, the current issue brings forth diverse aspects that help us understand the complexities and boundaries around composite culture, cultural amalgamation and cultural identities from a migrants' perspective...

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Jul 23 - Sept 23 | Issue-71

In the year 1982, the international community came forward to observe the International Day of Peace, to take collective initiatives for fostering peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire. However, the world today is shook by the horrors of unending conflicts and unleashing devastations. As horrific incidents of violence continue to plague us, there have been those who dared to stand up against the evils of society. Hence, this issue includes South Asian experiences with peace and conflict, and celebrates the chronicles of individuals, artists, activists and leaders who aim to restore, as well as characterize the need for peace and harmony...

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Apr 23 - Jun 23 | Issue-70

Since April has come to be recognized as Dalit History Month, we dedicate this issue to anti-caste, anti-race, adivasi struggles. We are including writings by some of the authors/poets who we think continues to remain unrecognized in the mainstream conversations on rights and justice. These articles, poems, interviews underscore themes which point to violent hierarchies but also give us hope that assertion; of one's rights and identity can play a significant role in building a society where everyone has the right to live a life with dignity...

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Jan 23 - Mar 23 | Issue-69

Emergence of International Working Women's Day can be traced back to labor movements around 20th century in North America and across Europe. It goes back to early 1900s when scores of women in New York marched to demand for voting rights and better pay...

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Oct 22 - Dec 22 | Issue-68

On the occasion of Worlds Children Day, the current issue of SACH discusses various factors that need to be addressed for creating more inclusive and equal future for all children. Every year, World Children's Day is commemorated on November 20. It is celebrated as UNICEF's annual day of action- for children, by children. This year's Worlds Children's Day's is theme is Inclusion: For Every Child. It denotes education as an important right for children across the world. This will build a better future for kids around the globe...

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Jul 22 - Sept 22 | Issue-67

South Asia has always been riven by conflicts and different dimensions of conflict/tensions have been observed. We have also seen that even while facing several challenges, the South-Asia has entered a critical demographic time where the number of working adults exceeds dependents (children and the elderly). It is the need of the hour that we must focus on this adult population i.e., youth and help them cope with various challenges...

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Apr 22 - Jun 22 | Issue-66

SHARED struggles are important legacies which are required to be remembered so that one can take insights from them while fighting against injustices at the contemporary juncture. Collective struggles are also an important part of our Composite Heritage as they ensured an equitable society for not only one specific section but for everyone...

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Jan 22 - Mar 22 | Issue-65

Climate change has brought severe repercussions for the planet. The temperature is rising every year, the sea level is rising, putting communities/villages along the coastline at risk. It has wrecked tremendous havoc around the globe which has invited conversations/protests as to how to find a solution for the crisis...

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Oct 21 - Dec 21 | Issue-64

IN the present day world, more than ever, South Asian countries have realized the increasing importance of unity and social movements in the face of rising disparity and inequality. Ironically the more we move on the path of unity, justice and social movement, challenges also increases in the same manner...

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Jul 21 - Sept 21 | Issue-63

Indigenous people are closest to the nature and have played a leading, crucial role in nature's protection; In South Asia, Indigenous people have diverse and distinct history, traditions and live a distinct life. But in present times due to forcible integration of Indigenous people in mainstream society, the cultural heritage and traditions of these communities have either been lost or diminished...

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Apr 21 - Jun 21 | Issue-62

We saw people struggling and fighting against the pandemic as Covid -19 has undone the progress made by communities and families towards empowering adolescent girls; years of efforts to tackle patriarchal norms and empowering girls by sending them to schools lost its direction...

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Jan 21 - Mar 21 | Issue-61

THE history of South Asian nations reflects the struggles of the communities on one hand and the unity among them on the other. Our past and history is not just about violence, it is also about syncretic values and way of life...

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Oct 20 - Dec 20 | Issue-60

Peace and Democracy are universal values that have its influence on each and every person in world. Whole world relates to these values and if one is lacking, the other is endangered...

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Jul 20 - Sept 20 | Issue-59

THE Covid pandemic has already landed a blow on the global economy; it has pushed the countries to the edge of another downturn in modern human history. South Asian countries have taken a major fall...

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Apr 20 - Jun 20 | Issue-58

In 2020, the global epidemic called Corona or Covid-19 has spread all around world. South Asia one of the most populous regions with fragile health, social welfare, communications and governance systems...

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Oct 19 - Dec 19 | Issue-56

The historic Kartarpur corridor between arch-rivals India and Pakistan was thrown open ahead of the 550th birth anniversary of Sikhism founder Guru Nanak Dev on 9 November 2019...

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Jul 19 - Sept 19 | Issue-55

Religious intolerance is a rising global concern and South Asia is no exception. The tension between the freedom to spread ones beliefs and the freedom...

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Apr 19 - Jun 19 | Issue-54

South Asia has tremendous socio-cultural diversity which can be observed within each country of the region. This diversity or divide is age-old and continues unabated...

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Jan 19 - Mar 19 | Issue-53

South Asia is one of the most complex regions in the world in terms of ethnic, religious, linguistic and cultural diversity and divisions...

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Oct 18 - Dec 18 | Issue-52

South Asian nations carry a range of religious faiths, legal systems, economic and political forces. Diverse socio-cultural practices here are often characterised...

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Apr 18 - Jun 18 | Issue-50

QAWWALI, a Sufi mystic musical tradition has been an integral part of South Asian composite heritage. The devotional music, which dates back several centuries...

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Jan 18 - Mar 18 | Issue-49

Cultural diversity in South Asia forms part of its common heritage. It is a defining characteristic of humanity. Cultural diversity is strengthened by the free flow of ideas...

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Oct 17 - Dec 17 | Issue-48

A systematic eradication of the identity of argumentative Indian is one of the ironies of contemporary Indian history and culture. It has given way to the resurgence...

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Jul 17 - Sept 17 | Issue-47

Cultural and religious Intolerance is a rising global concern and South Asia is no exception. It is the most serious and disturbing challenge today...

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Oct 16 - Mar 17 | Issue-44-45

'Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high', these lines of Rabindranath Tagore, raises the question, what makes mind fearless...

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May 16 - Jul 16 | Issue-43

These lines of Bulleh Shah are as relevant today as they were in his life time. Bulleh Shah, Baba Farid, Shah Abdul Latif Bhatai, Waris Shah...

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Nov 15 - Apr 16 | Issue-41-42

There are different approaches to resolving conflict, to restore peace. Some focus on faith and look at the common threads therein...

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Aug 15 - Oct 15 | Issue-40

In the present times, as in the past, protests and struggles have been most essential part of building-up a society. It is in the spirit of democracy the right to protest...

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May 15 - Jul 15 | Issue-39

This issue of SACH brings to our focus the realities of the present times. We are witness to varied shades of culture. The culture of co-existence...

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Feb 15 - Apr 15 | Issue-38

One of our biggest Composite Heritage is our leaders who had extraordinary courage to stand for their beliefs and values. Savitribai Phule is one among them...

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Aug 14 - Jan 15 | Issue-36-37

My religion is truth, love and service to God and humanity. Every religion that has come into the world has brought the message of love and brotherhood...

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May 14 - Jul 14 | Issue-35

This issue of SACH is dedicated to two great, powerful, beautiful women, Zohra Sehgal and Maya Angelou. They have left behind a legacy to follow and cherish...

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Feb 14 - Apr 14 | Issue-34

The concept of control manifests itself in various ways. Through the idea of superiority. Superiority of religion. Superiority of region...

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Nov 13 - Jan 14 | Issue-33

He used to call himself a phoenix. 'I rise from my own ashes', he would say. A fighter, a friend, a colleague, a mentor, a guide and so much more he was to so many people...

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Aug 13 - Oct 13 | Issue-32

This issue of SACH focuses on the complex and delicate issue of terrorism and communalism and explores the inter-linkages and similarities between the Hindutva and Islamic fundamentalism...

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May 13 - Jul 13 | Issue-31

In previous issues of SACH, poems focusing on feminism have featured. Along with Maya Angelou many other great poetess have been presented. Poems of Maya Angelou cut across the boundaries of time...

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Feb 13 - Apr 13 | Issue-30

The Shahbagh movement has opened a new era in South Asian history of resistance against religious fundamentalism and their alliance with rightist forces historically...

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Nov 12 - Jan 13 | Issue-29

This issue of SACH is being brought out at a time when newspaper headlines carry dozens of rape cases everyday. In such times naming such heinous...

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Aug 12 - Oct 12 | Issue-28

Glittering mountains, singing fountains, humming drops of rains, field full of grains and the valley telling the stories of glorious civilization that was home of Swat...

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May 12 - Jul 12 | Issue-27

Tikuli Tiku is a powerful signature in poetry and various other social issues. Her other areas of interests include travel, reading, networking, music, etc...

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Feb 12 - Apr 12 | Issue-26

Waris Shah. The name itself is a symbol of Sufi mysticism, love and romance. This great Sufi poet lived during 16th century in Punjab...

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Nov 11 - Jan 12 | Issue-25

Even before we entered the 10th year of Gujarat carnage, 'forget it and move on' became a common expression from various quarters...

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Aug 11 - Oct 11 | Issue-24

Recent Libyan civil war is one of the biggest with enormous support and participation of masses in recent memory. Finally the dictator who ruled the country...

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May 11 - Jul 11 | Issue-23

In the previous issue of SACH we presented poems from Afghanistan. The poems reflected the agony and pain of the land and its people are faced with...

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Feb 11 - Apr 11 | Issue-22

It seems like eternity since Afghanistan became synonym to conflict. Not a day passes when we do not hear of bombs, bullets and blood...

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Aug 10 - Jan 11 | Issue-20-21

The 2011 is birth centenary of many legendary poets of South Asia who are our Composite Heritage as well. Faiz Ahamd Faiz, Baba Nagarjuna, Majaz Lucknavi...

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May 10 - Jul 10 | Issue-19

While we speak of gender issues, the first thing that flashes in mind is vulnerability of women and thereby the need of emancipation of women...

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Nov 09 - Apr 10 | Issue-17-18

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan was the greatest son of Afghanistan. His popularity in the whole region has remained unmatched. The great pakhtun leader was a symbol...

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May 09 - Oct 09 | Issue-15-16

Journey of SACH began in 2005. As an effort to bring on a common platform cultural heritage that connects us. An effort to remind each other of the cultural treasure...

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Nov 08 - Apr 09 | Issue-14

In the present issue, we are reproducing two poems which were published by Asian Human Rights Commission earlier. These poems refer to situation...

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Aug 08 - Oct 08 | Issue-13

In the previous issues of SACH we have published several poems of poets from subcontinent but we have largely confined ourselves to Hindi, Urdu and Bangla...

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May 08 - Jul 08 | Issue-12

In the previous issue we presented poems from Faiz Ahmed Faiz who knew no national boundaries and has always been admired all over South Asia...

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Aug 07 - Apr 08 | Issue-9-10-11

In the last issue of SACH we produced English translation of Bidrohi by one of the greatest Bangla poet Kazi Nazrul Islam. This time we are presenting poems of another...

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Dec 06 - Jul 07 | Issue-7-8

The rebel poet and freedom fighter Qazi Nazrul Islam is the national poet of Bangladesh. But his works represent the whole sub-continent as freedom struggle...

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Jun 06 - Nov 06 | Issue-5-6

You who will come to the surface From the flood that's overwhelmed us and drowned us all Must think, when you speak of our weakness in times of darkness...

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Mar 06 - May 06 | Issue-4

'It was best of times, it was worst of times, it was epoch of belief, it was epoch of incredulity, it was season of light, it was season of Darkness, it was spring of hope...

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Sept 05 - Nov 05 | Issue-2

The second issue of SACH coincides with the Peach in South Asia consultation at Dhaka, Bangladesh. The consultation is being held at the backdrop of Serial bomb blast...

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Jun 05 - Sept 05 | Issue-1

South Asia Composite Heritage is a way of life for the whole region. It is composite because it belongs to everyone living in the region. There is a sense of ownership...

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